
PbP Games and Such

PbP Games and Such

Where is the best location to participate/find a Fudge play by post game? which I have used in the past doesn't have any games (nor do they list the system in their search categories.) Ive run a few one shots with Fudge and want the opportunity to play in a longer game and I am not sure I can convince my current gaming group to switch of of Pathfinder in the near future. Most of the online games here seem to have wound down.

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Re: PbP Games and Such

Most of the online games here use the chat, and not the forum.

The [-] die.

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Re: PbP Games and Such has an active play by forum community.  There hasn't yet been a Fudge game, but I'll bet there are enough willing and interested to get a game going.  The front page is a bit boggling at first, but once you make an account (free and generates no spam), you can customize the front page so it's less painful.

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Re: PbP Games and Such

Ah thanks!

Between my regular gaming group and other real world commitments I am not sure how reliable I would be in a regular chat based game. Ill have to go make an account on RPGGeek and stir up some interest then.

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Re: PbP Games and Such

trashheap wrote:

Ah thanks!

Between my regular gaming group and other real world commitments I am not sure how reliable I would be in a regular chat based game. Ill have to go make an account on RPGGeek and stir up some interest then.

We do a lot of oneshots, so it might be worth dropping by the chat on occasion and seeing if you want in on one of those. After a few, you'll get used to the versions of Fudge that see heavy use.

The [-] die.

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Re: PbP Games and Such

The IRC chats are pretty good. I got the most of my experience from those games.

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