
Faerie Escape: Atlanta

Faerie Escape: Atlanta

FE:A is a convention focused on Fairytale folklore and fantasy. It also has a strong crafting element. Here is the website:

I'll be in charge of gaming for the con. We won't have a dedicated game room so the gaming will be interspersed among the panels in one of the panel rooms. There will be a card game called Faerie Haven on Friday evening, the same game on Saturday morning and a tabletop RPG on Sunday from 11am to 3pm. For the RPG, I'll use Five-Point Fudge with pre-generated characters.

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Re: Faerie Escape: Atlanta

I wish you good luck, TLS! current/smile

Do you mean you'll be playing the Five Point Fudge version of "Faerie Haven" or a different game altogether?

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Re: Faerie Escape: Atlanta

Looks cool indeed!

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Re: Faerie Escape: Atlanta

Okay, there have been some changes. I'll have my own room for gaming without any other events in the room. I'll bring a bunch of board games and card games. You are welome to bring your own games.

The gaming room and dealer's room are open to the public. You don't need to buy a convention badge to enter them. You will need a badge for the other rooms. So, you can play games for free and still see some great faerie costumes in the hallways.

The event schedule is now up on the website.

The Fudge scenario for Sunday still needs some tweaking. And, you folks can help me! I'm using Five-Point Fudge. If you have any write-ups for various types of faeries (both seelie and unseelie) then post them right here in this thread.



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Re: Faerie Escape: Atlanta

The game room will begin operating at 10am on both Saturday and Sunday.

The registration desk will open at 9am on Saturday.

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Re: Faerie Escape: Atlanta

TLS wrote:

The Fudge scenario for Sunday still needs some tweaking. And, you folks can help me! I'm using Five-Point Fudge. If you have any write-ups for various types of faeries (both seelie and unseelie) then post them right here in this thread.

¿PC or NPC faeries? In the later case I'd rather write them making them look "right" instead of forcing skill/points templates in them current/smile

Having that in mind, Ars Magica Faeries is a good source to borrow faeries and wham! fudge them.

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