
Hello from Nevada!

Hello from Nevada!

Hi! I'm Bob Portnell.  I gamed actively from 1981 through 2006-ish ... not gaming much now, other things must be done, but hopeful. During my gaming career, I played, refereed, house-ruled, wrote reviews for magazines, wrote adventures for magazines, and edited and wrote for one of the first by-download-only game product companies.

My last hurrah is taking everything I've liked in any game and boiling it into a single set.  I call it EZFudge, it runs on a basic Fudge engine, and I've been working on it off and on for almost ten years.  I'll be calling it done and putting it online at the end of this month (May 2012.) More news of that when it happens.

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Re: Hello from Nevada!

Hello Bob; we're glad to have you here on the forum. Come visit us in the chatroom too if you want to.

The [-] die.

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Re: Hello from Nevada!

Greetings, Bob!  I am a fellow Nevadan!  Well, I'm not a native Nevadan, but in the four years I've lived here, I've realized that not many people are! LOL!!  I live in Reno, and I have a face-to-face group that meets on occasional Sundays (usually every other week, barring scheduling conflicts).  We are currently playing a game that I've nearly completed creating.  It's a Fudge-based sword & sorcery RPG called, "Blood, Sweat & Steel".  We've always got room for one more, so if you are close enough to pop by, that would be great!!  If you aren't close enough, we also play on  Google Hangouts or Skype as well.  This is a pretty quiet forum, so you should also check out the Fudge IRC channel on  It gets quite a bit more action than the forums here. current/smile

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Re: Hello from Nevada!

Thanks! When time permits, I shall!

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Re: Hello from Nevada!

Thanks for the invites!  I'll keep 'em in mind, though I don't see being able to do any playing until November-ish.  (Same for G+ Hangout, as that's when I'll be getting a computer that will actually run such things.)

BSSGames wrote:

Greetings, Bob!  I am a fellow Nevadan!  Well, I'm not a native Nevadan, but in the four years I've lived here, I've realized that not many people are! LOL!!  I live in Reno, and I have a face-to-face group that meets on occasional Sundays (usually every other week, barring scheduling conflicts).  We are currently playing a game that I've nearly completed creating.  It's a Fudge-based sword & sorcery RPG called, "Blood, Sweat & Steel".  We've always got room for one more, so if you are close enough to pop by, that would be great!!  If you aren't close enough, we also play on  Google Hangouts or Skype as well.  This is a pretty quiet forum, so you should also check out the Fudge IRC channel on  It gets quite a bit more action than the forums here. smile

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