
BiS - Planetary Silence

BiS - Planetary Silence

FROM: Central Command, Earth


Command is looking for a volunteer team out of the Earthling military to investigate a planet. The planet is located in the Scorpus Sector and is outside the jurisdiction of the Galactic Earthlings Union.

An authorized Earthling outpost has gone silent and we have lost contact with the Kiladians who own the planet.

The team will be sent in to investigate the silence, but as we do not have authorization they will be flag as a black op.

Please forward your interest to this link. All branches are authorized though we would like to see at least two soldiers join.



Greetings, Fudgers!

There is a fudge game I would like to run here on the forum that is gonna by easy for everybody to get involved who would like too.

Please fill out the following character sheet and post it on this topic if you are interested in playing. It is based in my science fiction universe Blood In Space!

You have 3 attribute points, 10 skill points, 1 gift and 1 fault. Attributes start at fair and skills start at poor.


1) DICE ROLLING: You were be rolling your own dice. I'm trusting you on your integrity as fudge players to give me what you rolled.

2) ACTIONS: Please write what you do and then below tell me what you are rolling for and the result. I will count them together after it I create the GM post.

3) GM POST: The GM post will have the result and what is happening next. I will not be telling you in story form what happened in your result. You should incorporate that with your next post after that.

4) QUESTIONS: Either placed them in your story post at the top of your post (so I can see them) or send a PM.

5) TIME: As this is a slow game you should post at least once per week with the post due Sunday 0000 EST. If you did not post, I will do something nuetral (I will defend your character from enemy fire if under attack). If you miss three of these without letting me know you can't make it, will constitute that your not interested in playing anymore.

6) DICE ROLLER: … oller.html









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Re: BiS - Planetary Silence


Name: Ernest Bigelow
Player: fudgebob dicepants

About: Soon to be retired, Sgt. Bigelow wants to go out with a bang or go on a much needed yet challenging vacation. This mission is it!

Strength: Good
Agility: Good
Stamina: Good
Perception: Fair

Firearms - FAIR
Zero Gee - FAIR
Heavy Weapons - FAIR
Brawling - FAIR
Survival - FAIR

Tough Hide


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Re: BiS - Planetary Silence


Name: Jenny Ford
Player: Sophiru

About: Even though she's quite young, Jenny has managed to quickly gain respect from her fellow technicians and mechanics. She is a hard-working woman and has managed to become quite good at working with machines. She is quite ambitious and jumped at the chance of gaining more experience and knowledge, eagerly volunteering for this mission. The danger scares her just a bit but she sees this as a chance to quickly climb the career ladder. Her dream is to get her own technological designs approved and developed, she's the most interested in computer A.I.s at the moment but her thirst of knowledge usually drives her from one piece of machinery to the next, she's studied all kinds of vehicles and their mechanics, all kinds of computer tech and even a bit of weapon tech.


Strength: Fair
Agility: Good
Stamina: Fair
Perception: Great

Mechanics: Good
Computer tech: Good
Weapon tech: Fair
Firearms: Fair

Attention for details (could give a bonus to working with technology and mechanics, maybe even a bonus to perception in some cases?)


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Re: BiS - Planetary Silence

Sweet! I got you collected. I'll wait a little while longer before I start it. current/wink

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Re: BiS - Planetary Silence

Where can I find a copy of "Blood in Space"? The pdf link I found does not work.

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Re: BiS - Planetary Silence

Hey! I assume your interseted in the game? Here is the link. The content is still good though the unreleased version that I'm working on has more info. Hope this helps.

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Re: BiS - Planetary Silence

There's still an error with the download link, JonathanS223.

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Re: BiS - Planetary Silence

Try it now. It looks like the file was corrupt.

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Re: BiS - Planetary Silence

I plan to launch the mision Monday morning to all those who are going to participate. Rules to follow on how we'll handle the game.

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Re: BiS - Planetary Silence

Thanks for the link. I'd like to participate in this game, too. I'll upload a character this weekend.

I notice that there is no stat info for the Rin'Aka, the Golemgor, the Martians or the Norixians - just for humans, Bugs, and Marauders. I take it that player characters may be any of the latter three, but that the others are strictly NPCs or are not involved in current play at all?

How will die rolls be handled?

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