
Cross-posting blogs?

Cross-posting blogs?

I've been maintaining a blog already for my Lost Heroes RPG game which will be Fudge. (It's already slurped up by the "Monster FudgeRPG feed"). Would it be worth it to create a blog here and cross posted or better simply to put a link on the forum about it?

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Re: Cross-posting blogs?

I don't know how other people see it, but it maybe my computer background. I think cross posting is sometimes good as it not only makes sure that people see it, but redundancy makes sure that somewhere the information survives. It's really what Ann's policy is and then what you want to do. I'd read it at either place personally.

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Re: Cross-posting blogs?

Currently blogs on this site are just Joomla article - none of the typical blog technologies like talkback, etc. So cross-postin means posting the entry twice - once at your site and once here. While copy and paste is not that much work, it is a level of extra effort. The one tech solution we can immediatly offer is if your existing blog provides and RSS feed. In which case we can set up a news feed on this site that just subscribes to your blogs RSS feed and you would only have to make blog entries in a single place and have them show up in both places.

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Re: Cross-posting blogs?

Thanks Paul, that's great. So I could post about my game on my website and have it imported here as a local blog under my profile? My only worry is that, is this acceptable? I don't have any problem pimping my content where I can, as long as it's acceptable to where I'm pimping it.

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Re: Cross-posting blogs?

thedeadone wrote:

Thanks Paul, that's great. So I could post about my game on my website and have it imported here as a local blog under my profile? My only worry is that, is this acceptable? I don't have any problem pimping my content where I can, as long as it's acceptable to where I'm pimping it.

It'll show up under the "Newsfeeds" -- which is currently off-line (the Monster Fudge RPG was down when we were testing the news feeds, and there were some problems with some other feeds we were going to include....). We'll probably be putting the NewsFeeds online this week.

Ann DupuisGrey Ghost Press, Inc.

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Re: Cross-posting blogs?

thedeadone wrote:

So I could post about my game on my website and have it imported here as a local blog under my profile?

Just Email me or Private Message me with the URL of the RSS feed of your blog and I'll add it to the Newsfeed section for when Ann releases that area of the site.

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Re: Cross-posting blogs?

paul wrote:

Just Email me or Private Message me with the URL of the RSS feed of your blog and I'll add it to the Newsfeed section for when Ann releases that area of the site.

If you're going to pull in the monster fudge rpg feed, then you'll get my blogs already.

Also on the subject of the Monster Fudge RPG feed, I assume you're just going to pull in the blog feed, not the full-on (forums, mailing lists, tweets, etc.) everything feed? It might be worth creating a special feed, because I may look at adding blogs from here and it'd get very confusing if you post here and it gets pulled into the monster feed and back to here...

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Re: Cross-posting blogs?

Of course, it is up to the "boss" but, we could set up an RSS feed from your blog as a single feed under the current Fudge Community > Blogs > submenu structure to give it higher visibility than as part of the great glob that is the Monster Fudge RPG feed. That way it would look exactly like it was authored here on this site. Just and option for you and Ann to consider.

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Re: Cross-posting blogs?

Personally, I would rather see original content posted/blogged here rather than reposting. I think the added value of the original content will be helpful to drive more eyes to this site, rather than people seeing content that they've already seen elsewhere. It will make for a stronger FudgeRPG site.

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Re: Cross-posting blogs?

I agree with you Chris, original content is much better than cross-posting and adds more value. However I think is also a portal/one-stop to the fudge world and that vein importing a feed isn't a terrible idea, as long as it's flagged in someway as originating elsewhere.

On a lesser note, it is sorta just a semantic exercise really for me. I can post my content here *first* but I'll always put a copy of it on my own blog/space. (I did that for my one measly fudge factor article). Just my 2 cents.

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