
BiS - Planetary Silence (MISSION: ACTIVE)

BiS - Planetary Silence (MISSION: ACTIVE)


Quickly and quietly the Earthing covert shuttle zipped barely above tree level as the dark hull was hidden by the lack of morning light. The Kiladian homeworld was a thick forest of evergreen trees (or their alien equivilant) and they moved quietly from the exhaust of the shuttle.

Sitting in their seats, hunched down in the red light of the interior Team Sierra-1 was getting ready to deploy on to the field, unknown what they would be facing.

"Alright," Sergeant Johnson, the Sierra-1 drop leader spoke up. "As you know from the briefing, the Earthling outpost has been setup peacefully, but now that we have lost contact with it AND the Kiladian home government, we have to assume they have become hostile. This mission is to quietly investigate the base, evac any personnel and data that we can find, and keep Kiladian causalties to a bare minimum. Any questions?"

He looked at the landing party with intent.


*Alright, the shuttle is about to land. You are all equipped with the basic M-33 Pulse Carbine (+1 ODF) light kinetic armor (+1 DDF) unless you have a pre-approved weapon combination. Go ahead and ask your questions to Sergeant Johnson if you have them. Posts are due Wednesday 0000 EST The reason for the short time is that it's just a question session. The Sunday one will become the norm after you've got boots on the ground.

Do not embark the shuttle until cleared. Fudge points for good character development! Good luck!

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Re: BiS - Planetary Silence (MISSION: ACTIVE)

Jenny Ford straightened up in her seat as Sergeant Johnson finally spoke, blinking away the wearyness of the journey, silently wishing for a cup of coffee. The mission briefing had covered the bare bones of the mission and made it sound so simple, get in, grab everything that's alive and most of the data, get out. She knew that it'd be much, much harder than it sounded. So many things could go wrong.

Her hand shot into the air, as she politely waited for permission to speak. When permission was given she rattled off a quick question. "Are there any hostile flora or fauna that we should be aware of? Other than the Kiladians, of course." She paused for a brief moment, biting her lip while deep in thought before firing off another question. "What's the mission priority? To get as much knowledge as possible of what's happened, to get as many survivors out as possible or to get ourselves out alive?"

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Re: BiS - Planetary Silence (MISSION: ACTIVE)

Anton holds his standing position, staying quiet as Jenny queries the Sergeant. Good, he thinks, at least one other person on this mission has some sense. Waiting until after the Sergeant finishes answering her questions, he starts rattling off the information he needs. "I'll be needing the stress test data for the exterior and interior wall materials, a list of vehicles in the base with attached specifications, all data on EM radiation levels in the area during the course of this outpost's operation with a focus on radio and microwave, pathogen data, patterns of native visits broken up by demographic data, and of course chemical surveys. Added to that I need maps of satellite paths and military ground installations. Files BQ-143, HL-56, PKI-198-C and GACS-11 through GACS-14 should have most of that data, this planet's should be contained within section KLBH-1787-965. The paperwork needed for requisitioning this is already done."

He then hands over a paper list. "This is a brief list of what I want while on the ground. The Geiger counter, rations, laser alarms, battery jumper, and standardized fuel cells are of critical importance." That should about do it, he thinks. Now, time to see if my example will give some of these youngsters a much needed dose of caution. He looks towards Sergeant Bigalow and mentally adds him to the list of people he needs to watch. Something seems off about that one, and the last thing Lieutenant Ineki wants is something stupid and careless from someone he trusted not to be.

The [-] die.

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Re: BiS - Planetary Silence (MISSION: ACTIVE)

Bigalow shakes his salt & pepper, crew-cut head. He puts away the ancient bayonet (that he was cleaning) in it's scabbard on his belt.  He also daintily puts down his prescription glasses.

He pretends he doesn't see Anton staring at him, thinking "Gaaawwwd! Not another all-brain, all-talk CO".

He looks at the Sgt.  Johnson "Obviously I'm gonna be the point-man and all-around grunt here. What do we have for recon? Camo-suits, sniper rifle, and other stealth  gear?"

"This is my last hurrah and I wanna be dressed purdy and proper".

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Re: BiS - Planetary Silence (MISSION: ACTIVE)


Sergeant Johnson looked at the scientist with a little irritation. Women should not be on a covert mission especially scientists.

"No. There isn't any dangerous flora or fauna. Standard Type-M world. The priority is to locate the people stationed there, then collect the information. If the place is compromised, destroy the base."

The command sergeant continued. "To answer the other question, there are 2x M-3 Hover Rovers, 1 Defense Tank, and 2 shuttles. The rest of your request is in the back containers. Will be comabt dropped as we come in low."

Johnson turned to Bigilow. "You're wearing low-detection suits. That's all we can authorize in case your detected. You need to look like a mercenary group in case you come under attack. We're carrying the standard weapons plus R-23 Pulse Sniper rifle which you can take if you wish."

Before Johnson could speak the pilot turned. "Within drop zone. Slowing to 10 feet per minute. Prepare the team to jump!"

Sergeant Johnson tapped the signal button turning the inside of the shuttle in to a red glow.

"Prepare to jump!"

{GM Notes}

As you jump you will find that the land is a forest with pine trees. The sun has not even begun to come up so the only light is from the stars and illumination devices equipped to the weapons.

You're holo-maps show the base toward the North. Once you jump, please roll for perception and give me the results.

Those who have not yet posted, please go ahead and jump with the team. Those who have not jumped by  October 14, 2012 0000 EDT will be dropped from the mission.

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Re: BiS - Planetary Silence (MISSION: ACTIVE)

Sergeant Bigelow secures a rifle on his person and... jumps!

(( Perception roll: + - o - : -1 (Mediocre)

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Re: BiS - Planetary Silence (MISSION: ACTIVE)

Jenny did not like the look she got from the Sergeant but dutifully nodded at the answer, already pleased that the planet was deemed a standard M-type. Nasty animals weren't really her thing, except when decorating her plate.

She checked her weapon nervously, hoping the planet wasn't compromised, either. But the odds of that weren't really making her happy. Her thoughts were interrupted by the pilot and her heartbeat sped up at the words. Heights weren't really her thing either, she preferred keeping her feet on the ground. The Sergeant gave the warning and Jenny gulped, before jumping.

((Forgot to ask earlier but I guess it's probably kinda obvious: I hope Jenny has a toolbox of some kind, with tools and stuff?
Oh, and perception roll... FML
[-] [-] [-] [ ] which makes my great perception SINK... to mediocre...))

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Re: BiS - Planetary Silence (MISSION: ACTIVE)

Anton waits until the light comes on, and leaps out of the craft, spreading his arms and legs to slow his descent. He took a moment to enjoy the sensation of the wind whipping by, then positioned himself to break his fall with a roll once he landed, taking one last look through the area first.

((Perception Roll: + + - -, Great))

The [-] die.

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Re: BiS - Planetary Silence (MISSION: ACTIVE)


* Bigelow is to busy paying attention to where he is landing to notice anything.

* Jenny notices nothing out of the ordinary when she touches down.

* Anton lands and notices that the path has been recently used.


* FYI, if you suceed at winning an opposed action you can write the results in your post. If you fail an opposed action the GM will write the results.

* You now have a path leading to the North in front of you. The mission is now completely in your hands. It's success or failure is now dependent on you. HINT: This mission may be important to a grand scheme of things that might be coming in the near future to No pressure. current/wink

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Re: BiS - Planetary Silence (MISSION: ACTIVE)

Lieutenant Ineki pulls himself out of the soft bush he landed in, and looks for his comrades. After he finds them, he gestures to be quiet, and speaks quietly, deliberately not using his radio. "Look at the trail. Something was walking on it recently, and judging by the leaf distribution and the newer indentations it might have been multiple somethings. We need to be on our guard." Saying that, he goes off the trail, picks up the materiel dropped from above, and follows the trail from a distance off to the side. Unknown tracks are never a good sign he thinks, already longing for the better intelligence that he knows isn't forthcoming.

The [-] die.

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