
Slamming Fudge with Barbarians of Lemuria engine

Slamming Fudge with Barbarians of Lemuria engine

As I talk about in my new gaming blog I am working on using Fudge and BoL together. 
Is this simply considered to be another Fudge implementation or is it just a slam of the two systems together.
The main thing in BoL that does not translate as well are their boons and flaws system.  The main game engine is simply 2d6.  The boons and flaws have you roll a third d6 and then take the two best for the boon or two worst for a flaw.  I am not sure how to work those into the Fudge system, but the two options that present themselves are to either just add or subtract two points from the roll or to roll twice and take the best or worst roll.
I like the wound levels of Fudge better than the hit point system of BoL (and even better than my old favorite Savage Worlds).

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Re: Slamming Fudge with Barbarians of Lemuria engine

I love this idea!  BoL is my favorite non-Fudge system - well, I haven't played it yet, but love the way it reads.  I wrote a "semi-review" on the page for BoL.

Boons & Flaws: I'll do some probability work to see what their system gives you (I think it's a decent bonus), but a quick thought is to roll an extra Fudge die and remove the lowest (for a Boon) or the highest (for a Flaw).

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Re: Slamming Fudge with Barbarians of Lemuria engine

I have never played either Fudge or BoL, but reading them I am a fan.
I did get my 1995 version of Fudge all printed and bound today.
Not too bad if I do say so myself.

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Re: Slamming Fudge with Barbarians of Lemuria engine

I actually looked into this recently (If you're on GitP, you probably made that thread under a different name and know exactly what I'm talking about). The short version is that everything transfers pretty nicely, and it seems like the easiest way to handle it would be to keep the Fudge scale and import the terms from Barbarians of Lemuria. Then, just have a roll and keep system with either best or worst, where you roll 4+|(attribute)| dice and keep 4.

The [-] die.

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Re: Slamming Fudge with Barbarians of Lemuria engine

Fully crossposted and so forth, you are correct sir Knaight!

I shall soon find out if I even need to make all this bashiness, as I will have an opportunity, as mentioned, to play both games.  I look forward eagerly to both games.

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