
Community tested adventures

Community tested adventures

In a response to another thread I mentioned the large number of short, free adventures available for the Savage Worlds game, something I've found useful and which I know is popular with many GMs. Fudge has several good adventures, slightly longer than the Savage Worlds "one sheets" but still short enough to run with comparitively light preparation and effort, typically originally written as con games. More would certainly be good, though.

Since Fudge was hammered out as a sort of guided community project it strikes me that a similar process could produce some really well-honed adventures, with Fudge enthusiasts writing a brief scenario and putting it up for others to run and then comment on and offer suggestions for improvement. It already happens fairly informally across the Internet (and with repeat play at conventions), obviously, but a forum such as this would be the ideal place to give the process some focus. Once the author has produced the final version it could be put up for downloading in a central adventure bank, giving existing and potential Fudge players a growing resource of quick, handy scenarios. Opinions?

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A man, Sir, should keep his friendship in constant repair.’

- Samuel Johnson

Two Separate Gorillas
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Re: Community tested adventures

That is a good idea. In some ways that is what I was thinking of when I was doing "A Fudge Tale: Ice Princess" as I have heard a lot of people say that they wish there were more adventures around. This forum would be a great place to start working on things like that. Count me in. current/smile

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Re: Community tested adventures

We have a number of adventures designed to promoting Fudge at conventions - most are designed to be run and concluded in a 4 hour gaming session, but could easily be expanded by a GM for 6 or 8 hours of play (or longer depending upon player actions and behaviors!). As time permits, I'll try to work with Ann to get a few of them posted to the Fudge Files for people to look at/use/comment on/etc.

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Re: Community tested adventures

I love the idea of short adventures, not least for mining for ideas! I don't think I've ever run a commercial adventure entirely 'out of the box', but modify and tweak other people's scenarios all the time.  current/cool


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Re: Community tested adventures

Great idea! I am writing something up soon for a January game convention, I'll be happy to put it up here and hammer on it for all the above mentioned reasons and uses.

Humble Unpaid Lackey
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