


I don't know if it's me, but I find it almost impossible to differentiate links (text anchors) from regular text in forum posts -- i.e grey text on a grey background, no underline.

Would it be appropriate to set up your CSS to always underline forum post URLs?


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Re: Visability

Can you point me to an example of what you are seeing. I am probably staring at the link color issue and  its just I've been working in the template so long my brains is preventing me from recognizing it, so sorry to have to ask for an example. if you would be so kind as to point me to an example, I can probably fix it.

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Re: Visability

This is a link which, for my eyes, doesn't stand out because it has no underline / distinct colour.


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Re: Visability

Robbie wrote:

This is a link which, for my eyes, doesn't stand out because it has no underline / distinct colour.

No, Robbie's not blind or insane (at least not that I know of) -- this morning the link really was hard to read. We've switched to a new template for War Week.... We'll be continuing to improve the css styling for these forums on our development site so things should be better when we switch back to the "Shades of Night" template in a week.  current/smile

Ann DupuisGrey Ghost Press, Inc.

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