
Fudge podcast

Fudge podcast

Troy Truchon announced that he's creating a podcast about Fudge next month. Here's what the G+ post said...

I'm starting a Fudge/Fate podcast in May, and I will be doing some community segments with news and mechanical questions. I've only been playing fate for, maybe, 5 or 6 years, but I've been playing Fudge since the mid nineties. I'm wondering if anyone has an interesting/complex question for me to get my start with. Also if your about to publish anything cool in the Fudge sphere let me know so I can share it. Thanks.

Unfortunately I cannot post a link to it. Its in the Fudge G+ from April 10th … 8YF3P1mjGb

I'm looking forward to it. The beginning of a new age for Fudge!?

*edit. looks like the link works fine!

Edited by: Jeffrywith1e - Apr-14-18 12:18:24

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Re: Fudge podcast

Thanks. I just signed up to share it myself. Hopefully folks enjoy the new episode coming out tomorrow. I also have a website up for it at http://PlusorMinus.Capheind.Com/ you can also now subscribe via Itunes and Stitcher if you like. Currently its two ~30 min podcasts a month.

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Re: Fudge podcast

Are the podcast episodes still hosted anywhere? I know that the show is mothballed at the very least, but I was hoping to listen to a couple of interviews and they’re unreachable through podcast apps as well as not showing up when I search the Internet Archive.

Edited by: BigJackBrass - May-15-22 13:22:55

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Two Separate Gorillas
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Re: Fudge podcast

Answering my own question here as I have managed to locate working links for the show: … st-archive

‘If a man does not make new acquaintance as he advances through life, he will soon find himself left alone.
A man, Sir, should keep his friendship in constant repair.’

- Samuel Johnson

Two Separate Gorillas
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