
Final Frontier for EZFudge Essentials now available (offsite)

Final Frontier for EZFudge Essentials now available (offsite)

Final Frontier, a Star Trek supplement for EZFudge Essentials Edition, is now available at .

As far as the setting goes, it's the same design I've been using for classic Star Trek since 2001 or so. I've got some new gamemastering advice, everything's rewritten to the current Essentials rules, I've removed the problematic starship combat stuff, and the sample characters now all have character sheets.  (Also I fixed something I'd overlooked on Spock's original write-up.)

Next EZFudge project: a fantasy game. Target release: end of March 2019. There, I said it in public, I'm doomed.

Edited by: nvdaydreamer - Jan-08-19 20:55:46

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Re: Final Frontier for EZFudge Essentials now available (offsite)

I think you have an extra full stop at the end of the address which is scuppering the link.

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Re: Final Frontier for EZFudge Essentials now available (offsite)

Fixed. Thank you!

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Re: Final Frontier for EZFudge Essentials now available (offsite)

Hey, thanks for making this available! I'm supposed to run an online Trek game in the next few days and was struggling for a system. This'll do the trick and save me a bunch of work!

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Re: Final Frontier for EZFudge Essentials now available (offsite)

Delighted! Let me know how it goes.

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