
Gatecrasher 2371

Gatecrasher 2371

So when I was running Domibia Games and later Seraphim Guard, there was one game I really wanted to write, but never got the opportunity to do so: Gatecrasher 2371.

GC2371 would have been, technically, the 3rd edition of GC.  Only this wouldn't have been the Gatecrasher you know;  GC2371 was to be a more serious, darker take on the GC universe.  The core book was to focus on Earth and Luna, with Earth having become a very low-tech, high-fantasy world kept in the back pocket of the no-fantasy, ultra-tech Luna.  The very few areas of Earth which still supported technology were heavily guarded by psuedanthroids from Luna, who did their best to keep Earthlings ignorant of technology.  When Earthlings ran across remnants of technology, the psuedanthroids would... take care of the situation.

Anyway, I might just start running a few stand-alone adventures in GC2371, modding the stock Fudge GC rules to fit.

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Re: Gatecrasher 2371

Thats great! Good luck!

I have never been in a Gatecrasher game before though I heard it is a very good game.

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Re: Gatecrasher 2371

I have to admit ignorance as to what happened to Gatecrasher after it left GGG. Was there a new Fudge version? I'd love to see a more 5pt Fudge, streamlined version of that setting put out. I think it would support any number of tones, including a dark take. While some of Gatecrasher was silly, it always seemed to be more "Mystery Men" silly than "Batman TV show" silly.  (sorry for the obscure references).

Humble Unpaid Lackey
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Re: Gatecrasher 2371

slockard wrote:

While some of Gatecrasher was silly, it always seemed to be more "Mystery Men" silly than "Batman TV show" silly.  (sorry for the obscure references).

Your references are exactly on the money - that was what appealed to me about Gatecrasher as well - it is humorous, but you could still run a dramatic adventure. It wasn't just pure camp. And while it was GGG's first Fudge setting, it just didn't sell well. The setting seems to be an acquired taste.

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Re: Gatecrasher 2371

iamtim wrote:

GC2371 was to be a more serious, darker take on the GC universe.  The core book was to focus on Earth and Luna, with Earth having become a very low-tech, high-fantasy world kept in the back pocket of the no-fantasy, ultra-tech Luna.

I also think that the Gatecrasher universe could be revamp in to a much more dark and gritty setting - the basic premise of unleashing "hellish" magics into our solar system and many of the cults, creatures, races and much much more could make for a very deadly or violent setting. Gatecrasher is ultimately about the conflict between radical extremes - Good (angels) vs Evil (demons/devils); Magic vs Technology; etc. - in fact, if you look through the Gatecrasher book at all the groups, organization, companies, cults, etc. - it is riddled with opposing extremists on all sides.

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Re: Gatecrasher 2371

I really think that Gatecrasher, with a tweaked rules set, could be Fudge's "Rifts" setting, allowing it to be the kitchen sink that everything could be in. Not that a game has to have that, but I know folks that liked that setting (or to a lesser degree Gurp's Yrth)  for the ability to pull in characters from other games into an established setting.

Or maybe I just can't let some things go current/smile

Humble Unpaid Lackey
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Re: Gatecrasher 2371

slockard wrote:

I have to admit ignorance as to what happened to Gatecrasher after it left GGG.

My business partner and I bought it from GGG as Domibia Games.  Shortly thereafter, Seraphim Guard Inc. took a digger; we bought up as much of it as we could  and created a new Seraphim Guard with both Gatecrasher and HeartQuest.  For many years we sold both properties in PDF form and did pretty well.  Unfortunately, my wife left me and took my business partner with her (not in a romantic way, he just chose to associate with her and not with me) so I had to sell Seraphim Guard.

After me... I think the company that bought Seraphim Guard later dissolved and two different people split the assets, but I'm not 100% sure who wound up with what.

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Re: Gatecrasher 2371

Here's a GC2371 short story I started writing years ago, y'all might like it.  current/smile

The door slid open with a reptilian hiss. Captain Hargrove marched into the meeting room and took a seat on one of the polished silver stools, across the smooth table from Commander Lucien. Hargrove always hated recap meetings, more so since he began reporting to Lucien; Lucien was the kind of person that was always hiding something. You could see it in his eyes - but then again, no one ever trusts a shape-changer. Especially a shape-changing wizard. Especially a shape-changing wizard from Luna.

"Report," Lucien commanded, glaring at Hargrove.

"The Prime Gate is quiet," Hargrove stated, "there's been no activity since the initial probe came through. Of course, as you know, we have been unable to locate that probe. We think it was headed for Earth - but the Lunar moratorium arou..."

Lucien interrupted the Captain's report. "Yes," he said, "I know full well of the Lunar moratorium around Earth. If the Lunar government captures that probe before we do, I shall be very put out."

Hargrove stared at the Commander. "A doppleganger that doesn't trust his own government," he thought, "how fitting."

"Find that probe, Captain Hargrove," Lucien continued, "and bring it to me."

Hargrove stormed out of the meeting room and down the hall. Impatiently he waited for the door outside of his pilot's barracks to slide open, and he began barking commands before it had closed behind him.

"I want double Gate patrol shifts starting now," he rumbled, "and they aren't going to stop until we find that probe! I want long range patrols launched right away, tracking the trajectory of the probe. We have to find it before it gets to Luna!"

"Where's Mathias?", he queried, looking around the room at the soldiers frantically trying to follow the orders just given to them.

The door slid open, as if to answer Hargrove's question, and Mathias walked in.

"Sir, Private First Class Mathias reporting for duty," he said, standing at attention.

Hargrove motioned for Mathias to follow him, and together they walked on down the hall.

"That 'ganger Lucien is all over my ass again," Hargrove told his junior officer, "and I'm pretty damned tired of it. I want you to stay off patrol for a bit and see what you can dig up on this guy. If he so much as wiped his nose incorrectly during his preliminary training on Io, I want to know about it. Got it?"

"Sir," Mathias replied, "yes sir."

With that, Hargrove and Mathias split company, with Mathias heading towards the data banks. Once Mathias was certain he was out of earshot of the senior officer, an evil giggle escaped his lip. As he approached the data bank door, he extended his hand to place it on the print reader. However, just before he placed his hand on the reader the hand changed ever so slightly; the fingers became longer, the hand a little bigger.

"Welcome, Commander Lucien," the computerized voice exclaimed as the data bank door slid open in front of him.

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Re: Gatecrasher 2371

Intriguing start, iamtim! Keep'em coming.

I would suggest or request a separate forum for Fanfics/Stories?


P.S. Maybe you could GM a Gatecrasher IRC game some time?

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Re: Gatecrasher 2371

fudgebob wrote:

P.S. Maybe you could GM a Gatecrasher IRC game some time?

I don't IRC much... in fact, I think I've IRC'ed once in my life.  I wouldn't be opposed to a PbP game, though, or PbEM.

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