
Auto-subscribe to threads

Auto-subscribe to threads

Ok, so, how do I set the forum to NOT automatically subscribe me to any thread which I create or in which I post?

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Re: Auto-subscribe to threads

After a while the subscription notifications start getting caught by a spam filer. Its not a big deal.

The [-] die.

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Re: Auto-subscribe to threads

While it may not be a 'big deal' to you, it may be to others.  Does that response mean that there is currently no way to unsubscribe to threads?

No Elves!  Talislanta is now free!  Please visit and explore this wonderful setting and game system.

\\\"The Dude abides.\\\"

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Re: Auto-subscribe to threads

iamtim wrote:

Ok, so, how do I set the forum to NOT automatically subscribe me to any thread which I create or in which I post?

There's /supposed/ to be a way for you to set your auto subscribe preferences in your user profile, but it looks like it's not working.

We'll look into it.

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Re: Auto-subscribe to threads

Fudge wrote:

iamtim wrote:

Ok, so, how do I set the forum to NOT automatically subscribe me to any thread which I create or in which I post?

There's /supposed/ to be a way for you to set your auto subscribe preferences in your user profile, but it looks like it's not working.

We'll look into it.

Paul will look into it, Fudge!
You and Grey Ghost should keep your paws off the back end of the site! You're not even supposed to have access to that!
Your job is to blog on the behind-the-scenes goings-on at Grey Ghost Press!

Ann DupuisGrey Ghost Press, Inc.

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Re: Auto-subscribe to threads

Fudge, don't listen to her current/wink I'm sure you can keep the site purring along just fine current/wink
Although, if we send catnip, can we get some behind the scenes info on the progress of some of the projects? Or get you to play subliminal tapes while Ann sleeps that say "write Animal Companions"?

Ooops, goota go before Ann gets back...

Humble Unpaid Lackey
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Re: Auto-subscribe to threads

Okay - the Cats finally climbed into my lap and threatened to claw me to death if I didn't deal with some issues today. So. Autosubscibe is now turned off AND I fixed the CSS so the subscribe check box is clearly visible. I also fixed the CSS for the Preview background color issues with the post preview not being visible (white text on white background). I also fixed the New Topic 'Subject' and 'Description' labels so they are visible.

You see an manage all you Forum subscriptions from the "Forum Subscriptions" tab under Member Actions > Your Profile. You do not need to Edit your profile to change this tab. You will see an 'unsubscribe' link next to each listed subscription in the tab.

The Profile plugin that provides access to setting personal forum preferences is supposed to be a preference setting for autosubscibe but it is not available. I don't know if this is just a missing feature or due to a bug. I;ll investigate as time allows.

I believe the only remaining outstanding Forum appearance issue is a post about the link colors.

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Re: Auto-subscribe to threads

My hero.  *swoons*  current/big_smile

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