
Tips for incorporating war themes in your games!

Tips for incorporating war themes in your games!

Great GMs know that a good game involves a blend of character interaction, scene-setting, and action.

The focus is often on the "action" -- that's what we roll the dice for, after all -- and the character interactions (among the PCs and also PC-to-NPC).

The setting often takes a back seat.

But good descriptions of what's happening around the characters are essential to evoke the desired emotional responses in the characters and the players.

Here are some resources that may help you craft scenes and descriptions of wars and battles that will really convey the horrors and heroism that can occur in war time -- while remaining entertaining for the players.

Fudge Factor: Roleplaying Large Scale Battles … ttles.html

How to Write a big Battle Scene for your Fantasy Novel: … -scene.htm

Fear in RPGs: … n_rpgs.php

Colorful Combat Descriptions: … ptions.php

If you know of any other resources or have tips that would help GMs with their War-themed adventures and campaigns, please post them here!

Ann DupuisGrey Ghost Press, Inc.

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Re: Tips for incorporating war themes in your games!

What is notably missing from those articles is a look at the less direct effect of wars. For this, nonfiction books are ideal. There are quite a few that follow people displaced in wars, economic conditions during wars, changes in lifestyle, effect upon people due to wartime taxes, and other such effects that, while not flashy, will help with verisimilitude.

The [-] die.

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Re: Tips for incorporating war themes in your games!

I have wanted to run an adventure where the PCs were all support people in a war time setting. During war time, whether the war is in a Fantasy setting, historical or set in a Space Opera setting, there are all sort of interesting character types that are close to and often in the mist of action who function in support capacities. My brother served in Korea during the Vietnam war and one of his duties was driving a M88 Tank Recovery Vehicle (see This has long had me wanting to do an adventure where the PCs were responsible for recovering salvage from the battlefields. Whether they were using Oxen and Cart is a Fantasy setting (or Dragons or Magic) or a modern team and convoy of a M88, a half-ton truck (carrying tools and such) and a Humvee or a gigantic Starship recovery ship that literally can swallow a whole Starship into a internal repair dock, there are a multitude of adventure possibilities.

The recovered salvage may have something (or someone) hidden in it that is very dangerous OR highly sought after by the enemy OR contain valuable intelligence that must reach some commander or location.
The recovered salvage could reveal that a new type of weapon was used on it and the enemy has dispatch a team to stop it retrieval.
The recovery team could suffer from bad location and time and a quiet battlefield suddenly erupts into intense fighting.
and so on...

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