
Online game (TV shows crossover)

Online game (TV shows crossover)

Hi there

    (Repost) I ran this summer a Fudge game at a big RPG CON, a big crossover where the protagonists of three different TV shows worked together in a case. The game had a pretty good advantage, the characters, for the appropriate fans, were easy to run and very vivid to a point, but this was also a big handicap. It's been hard to run it again due to lack of appropriate fans.

    However, the game ran pretty well that first time and I wonder if I can run it again here, online.

    The TV shows were (in alfabetical order):

    The mentalist


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Re: Online game (TV shows crossover)

I love investigative adventure - both playing in them and running them. Back in the 1990's I ran a series of X-File's like FBI investigation driven adventures at conventions. The last one I ran, involved a series of mysterious deaths involving a strange drug. Two of the players (friends) were playing really really well - with very clever strategies and investigative techniques. About two-thirds of the way into the 4 hour adventure, I learned that the two players were, in real life, a chemist and a police detective! Needless to say, I had a very challenging time keeping the adventure up to snuff and engaging, but when all was said and done, everyone seemed to have a great time and solved the mystery just in time.

As a Joss Whedon fan, I wanted to watch both Bones and Castle (and the Mentalist looked very interesting), but a busy work schedule and other conflict meant I never saw the first season and have just never gone back to them. Too bad for me, I hear they are all great shows and I wish I have watched them, because a cross-over adventure between them sound like a lot of fun.

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Re: Online game (TV shows crossover)

Dungeonero wrote:

Hi there

    (Repost) I ran this summer a Fudge game at a big RPG CON, a big crossover where the protagonists of three different TV shows worked together in a case. The game had a pretty good advantage, the characters, for the appropriate fans, were easy to run and very vivid to a point, but this was also a big handicap. It's been hard to run it again due to lack of appropriate fans.

    However, the game ran pretty well that first time and I wonder if I can run it again here, online.

Absolutely! Just post an introduction to your game in our Recruitment Station and let me know via PM or otherwise what the name of your game is. I'll set you up with a private forum for running the game.

Ann DupuisGrey Ghost Press, Inc.

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Re: Online game (TV shows crossover)

Well, having in mind there was only a single person interested in the game when I suggested it in Yahoogroups, I think it's a bit too early for that  current/smile

Besides, I just noticed I said online but omitted "through chat", my fault. I just finished a Play-by-Forum game which took around 9 months and I'm a bit reluctant to run another, too slow for my taste.

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Re: Online game (TV shows crossover)

Dungeonero wrote:

Well, having in mind there was only a single person interested in the game when I suggested it in Yahoogroups, I think it's a bit too early for that  current/smile

That's why you should start recruiting more players!  current/wink

Besides, I just noticed I said online but omitted "through chat", my fault. I just finished a Play-by-Forum game which took around 9 months and I'm a bit reluctant to run another, too slow for my taste.

Ah. For that you can Submit Event (under the Member Actions menu) and enter the dates and times you'll be running the online game. Then use the Fudge Chat/IRC channel for folks to gather at that time; you can create your own chat room for folks to "/join" for the game itself while OOC discussions take place in the main Fudge/Fate Chat.

Ann DupuisGrey Ghost Press, Inc.

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Re: Online game (TV shows crossover)

ann wrote:

That's why you should start recruiting more players!  current/wink

Aha, isn't this the right place in the forum?  current/smile

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Re: Online game (TV shows crossover)

I should have added the Dresden Files show to the mix, too  current/tongue

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