I wonder if it's worth re-evaluating the number of sub-forums on the site? I understand the intent, but I often find myself a) perusing what I consider to be a lengthy list for new posts, and b) wondering which is the correct forum to create a new post in! I'm referring in particular of the "Off Topic Discussions" and "Fudge Forge" sub-forums.
I've seen sites do this before, and with only a relatively small number of members (and a indeed posters) the forums end up looking like a ghost town.
Just my pennyworth of course.
There really are a lot of them. Looking over it, one could probably combine them into this:
Website Discussions
Fudge Classifieds
Fudge Legalities
Grey Ghost Games
Grey Ghost Press
Official Settings
Actual Play
Greetings and Salutations
Fudge Mechanical Design
Fudge Non-Mechanical Design
GMing and Playing
Play by Post
Play by Post Discussions
Play by Post Games
Off Topic
Community Chatter
Other Games
Website Administration and Development
Administrative Tasks
Website Tasks
Website Bugs, Glitches, and Annoyances
Its still got 18 categories, which is a bit much, but its now within reason. Ish.
The [-] die.