
A Last Beautiful Dawn: Adventure Framework

A Last Beautiful Dawn: Adventure Framework

Below is an adventure framework/game that I designed, with the intent of using Fudge mechanics. Its very structured, very narrativist, and as such very un-Knaight, for those who've seen the tiny fraction of my work elsewhere on this site.
A Last Beautiful Dawn
    A Last Beautiful Dawn is a role playing game about a group of people who are to be executed. It is about who they were, and how it was they went from that to the people waiting for execution. Play progresses through an introduction, several acts, and multiple intermissions to other characters in a strict order, within a strict framework as set by the GM and players as they play the game.


    The Introduction is the set up for the game of A Last Beautiful Dawn. It is a simple phase, which consists of two parts. The first is allocation of a GM and general setting in which A Last Beautiful Dawn is played, as the stories that emerge from it can be ported to many systems. Following this, three points must be established concerning the characters.
The basics of who they are at the beginning of the story (and near end chronologically).
Where it is they are being held.
What entity is responsible for their detention.
    All of this is decided as a group as a whole, in broad strokes. The GM then describes how the characters are being held, with the players describing how the characters are acting under these conditions. A single short scene is performed, at which point the game moves on to Act 1.

Act 1: Thwarted Ambition
    Act 1 is about what was lost by the characters when they were driven towards the execution block. They must have a life they are attending to, with goals they wish to accomplish, and must be near accomplishing said goals. Each player can decide what the goal of their character is, and the group as a whole will evaluate these goals to make sure they stay within reason. Goals must be kept within the tone of the setting, sufficiently broad and unspecific to allow play, and interesting.

    Play in Act 1 consists of the players driving their characters towards their goals, while also exploring the lives of these characters through role playing. The GM provides obstacles in the way of the goals, and a setting and characters as a framework to role play in. The end of Act 1 is reached when the characters have reached the point where the goals are essentially a foregone conclusion, provided that something big doesn't derail them.

Act 2: A Reason To Hate
    Act 2 is where the characters are first driven towards the execution block. Something happens that makes them either become criminals, directly oppose the people executing them (usually a government), or appear to fit either of those two traits. Each player declares in broad terms how this happens, and the setting is made anew, often somewhere somewhat away from the events of Act 1, and usually somewhat later. This encourages a different tone.

    Play in Act 2 consists of what can be described as an adventure for lack of a better term, in which the characters are heavily involved for personal reasons. The characters are driven towards temporary goals set by the players, and the responsibility lies primarily on the GM for directing the action as a whole towards the end described by the players through the mechanism of the setting. As always, role playing is encouraged throughout.

Act 3: A Reason To Fight
    Act 3 is where the characters carry out their criminal or governmentally adversarial enterprises. The players should set a modest goal for the characters, and several enterprises will be performed during Act 3. This need not involve actual combat at any time, despite the title of the act, however conflict is a must.

    Play in Act 2 consists of the characters becoming immersed in their new world through player actions that drive the characters towards the in character goals amidst a backdrop set by the GM. The GM is most passive during this stage, and it best resembles a typical sandbox game of any of the acts. It ends once two conditions are met, the goals are accomplished, and the characters have a place in the world, complete with allies.

Intermission 1: Lost and Found
    New characters are created for Intermission 1, drawn from the allies of the characters in the acts. Intermission 1 tells the story of how these characters discover the capture and whereabouts of the characters in the acts, and ends as soon as they have adequate certainty. The setting takes into account the passing of significant time from the end of act 3, and may also The intermissions are very typical games with a specific goals, and as such are distinguished from the more structured acts, as such additional specific instruction as to GM and player responsibilities is unnecessary.

Act 4: End of the Line
    Act 4 is when the characters are taken into custody. The players choose the circumstances of this to a general degree, with the group seeing that they fit the general style of the game. However, this can be considered the climax of the story from a narrative perspective, which should be taken into account when making these decisions. The characters also need a goal that they were attempting to accomplish, but ultimately failed to.

    Once that is set, actual play begins. The players see that the characters attempt to achieve the goal set out, while the GM sets up the world. By now there should be some major antagonists, and there will be several attempts to eliminate the player characters in one way or another, game play continues until this is eventually done, in the way described by the players.

Intermission 2: Rescue Plans

    Intermission 2 has two main options. Either the characters from Intermission 1 are played again, or a new set are created. Either way, this picks up some time after Intermission 1, with the set up of a rescue attempt. As with Intermission 1, it plays as a typical game with a goal, in this case to establish everything needed for a rescue right up until the final stroke. Once that happens, Act 5 begins.

Act 5: Into The End

    Act 5 is a very short act. The players role play their characters immediately prior to the execution, then transition to the rescue attempt. For whatever reason, it goes wrong, and the characters of the acts are all executed. For both of these parts, the GM plays the rest of the world.

    Act 5 lasts until the characters of the acts are all dead, and the result of the rescue beyond its failure develops to a limited point. What happens to the rescuers in the long term, as well as what happens after the execution are to be left vague, however very broad implications are suggested.

The [-] die.

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