Hello Fudge Community,
I wanted to take the time now (that I'm finally back from deployment) to tell you all about the first ever Blood In Space Campaign that will be taking place online on the fudge IRC in the coming months. It's a pretty ambitious project and I'm really have a good feeling about it since I've already got great players like Sir Wolf, Sophiru, and Fudgebob signed up.
I created this topic to give everybody a place to chat if they so choose to and a way to ask questions about the upcoming six mission campaign.
You can see the official Event here:
I will also be doing status updates and keeping you all apprised of the progress of the adventure here in the fudge community forums.
The mechanics are pretty much fudge based. I surprisingly wound up staying pretty close to the original fudge book only re-writing the Psi rules to fit what I wanted. Though the present book I released is woefully inadequate and quite pitiful, the new one (which hopefully will be done this month as I'm off all this month) will be a lot better.
Here is the one that exists now for you to look at. Take it as a work in progress as a lot of things pointed out to me have already been worked on in the new version that is present half way done.
Thanks for the offer! I'll send you the newer version when it's done for you to look over as this version is already been made extremely obsolete.