
Blood, Sweat & Steel, a Fudge-based Sword & Sorcery Game

Blood, Sweat & Steel, a Fudge-based Sword & Sorcery Game

Blood, Sweat & Steel is a Fudge-based Sword & Sorcery RPG that I've been developing over the past 2 1/2 years.  After writing the system up a few different ways, I think we're very close to completing this game.  We currently play on IRC (#BS&S), but I would also like to test the game out in a PbP environment.  Please post here if you're interested! current/smile

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Re: Blood, Sweat & Steel, a Fudge-based Sword & Sorcery Game

i am very interested.

I do suggest making it more dynamic, sandboxy, flexible? the first posts are rules, the introduction, and the opening scene... and we go from there. Interested players can send their character concepts/stats to the GM. Once approved, the PC is conveniently introduced/dropped into the current scenario.

if a player cannot continue playing, he or the GM will make up a plausible "exit post" and the game continues.

What happens if  there are no players anymore? the story waits for the rise of a new hero or the GM closes said PbP and makes up another one.

It is very difficult to organize a game. These are just some ideas swirling in my airy head which I hope will fix that.

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Re: Blood, Sweat & Steel, a Fudge-based Sword & Sorcery Game

Count me in.

The [-] die.

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Re: Blood, Sweat & Steel, a Fudge-based Sword & Sorcery Game

Sounds great fudgebob!  I'm glad to you have you and Knaight on board!  I also posted in inquiry at RPG.Net, and I have 2 interested players there.  I think that , for the sake of promoting Fudge, I will try to bring them over here.  I'll keep this thread updated with our progress and a time line on when we can start! current/smile

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Re: Blood, Sweat & Steel, a Fudge-based Sword & Sorcery Game

I've got 3 players starting to make characters on RPGNet right now.  Fudgebob & Knaight, would you rather join that game, or would you rather start a separate game here?  I'm personally good either way.  On the one hand, I'm sure it would be helpful to new players to have a couple of experienced players in the group.  But on the other hand, it might be good to see how a group of players with no prior experience with my game play it.  The other option is that you guys join the RPGNet game, and we also start a game here.  That might be the most fun option! current/smile

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