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In recent months, I have been asked on more than one occasion for some "help" in coming up with adventure ideas for another GM. I very much respect the equivalent of "writer's block" for GMs, I have expeienced it myself a time or two.  Endless self-help books have been published on how to kickstart or reinvigorate the creative juices.

I personally find my inspiration on the Internet these days. Through Facebook, I have liked a number of pages that present interesting factoids of history, science, technology, and other topics that help provide me with ideas for adventures, gadgets, and more. Most require some creative effort to really fit into whatever setting or scenario I may be working on. Occasionally, some stories just seem like they must have been written by a closet gamer and are ideally suited for inspiring adventures or even an entire campaign.

This morning, an article of what-if historical scenarios that almost happened caught my attention. Each of these moments in history could have led to a very different world of today. My personal favorite to consider how history would have changed is the possible division of Japan between the US and Soviet Union. How much more would that have shifted the theater of cold war spying from Europe to Asia?

See the whole article at

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