
EZFudge: THANK YOU!!!!

EZFudge: THANK YOU!!!!

Hi!  i hadn't been in the Yahoo! Groups for Fudge, but when I grabbed a copy of the file archive from the group, I was delighted to discover many campaign spin-offs using EZFudge as the base rules.

I am so happy to learn, after all these years, that folks really did find that build of Fudge to be a useful thing to play.

(Also, tip of the hat to Guillaume Berger, who is using a modified EZFudge right now to game in the WH40K setting. He's had to modify weapon damage and wounds, but that's almost a given for such a crunchy world. Even so, they're still having fun over ten sessions in.)

Thank you, and thank you, and thank you, too.

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Re: EZFudge: THANK YOU!!!!

Can I also add my thanks.  I run my own Fudge/Fate hybrid homebrew and got a lot of nice ideas from EZFudge.  Thanks so much for putting it out there for folks. 

I run a lot of D&D, but wish I had the chance to run more Fudge-type games.  It's just so much more relaxing for me as a GM.

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