
Hello from UbiquitousRat

Hello from UbiquitousRat

Hi. My name is Che Webster and I am returning to Fudge to create a new fantasy setting in which my primary aim is to attain a greater level of Otherworld Immersion through play. Not sure what that’ll look like yet, but I am here to work it out.

Anyone home?

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Re: Hello from UbiquitousRat

Hello! Sadly, this forum has been quiet - although not dead - for a while now, so it's good to see a new member. We've not all abandoned the place, however.

‘If a man does not make new acquaintance as he advances through life, he will soon find himself left alone.
A man, Sir, should keep his friendship in constant repair.’

- Samuel Johnson

Two Separate Gorillas
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Re: Hello from UbiquitousRat

Welcome, Che!

I'd love to hear more about your fantasy setting.

And can you tell me more about "Otherworld Immersion?" If it's a term for a specific style of RPG play or something similar, I'm not familiar with it. :-)

Ann DupuisGrey Ghost Press, Inc.

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Re: Hello from UbiquitousRat

Thanks for the welcome! Glad it’s not dead.

Ann, the term “Otherworld Immersion” was coined by Daniel Jones (aka as author Daniel Ionson) when he and I recently spoke for an interview. I liked the term greatly as I feel it captures the essence of something I have been lacking for a long time: the sense of being able to go deeply into a world and feel close identity with your character, to experience things through their perception of the world, and to seek to shed the modern preconceptions I have so often brought to the table in more “typical” play.

I feel that Fudge might offer me a route towards this due to the descriptive traits and more flexible rules system. I am hoping to adapt it to some different methodology and bring more life to my world of Mykovnia.

Hope that doesn’t sound too pretentious or abstract, now that I type it out.

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