
Hello, Everyone!

Hello, Everyone!

Hello there, Everybody! I am RulesliteOSRPls. I am new to the Fudge community and RPG. I finished the 1995 version of the book about two weeks ago. I was so absolutely amazed at the simultaneous detail and simplicity of the system. In addition to introducing myself, I want to issue forth my sincere gratitude to Steffan O'Sullivan, Ann Dupuis, and all the others that made Fudge such an amazing system. I never expected that my new favorite RPG system would even be under the OGL. That's impressive to me as well; I am a big fan of open source software, and there seems to be a big similarity. I am going to be running my own space opera campaign in the Stars Without Universe setting using my own basic build of the system. Let me know if anyone would like to know how that goes. Anyway, thanks again. Cheers.

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Re: Hello, Everyone!

Hello! Delighted to see that you've found Fudge and the forum. It's sadly rather slow—to say the least—around here, but reports from your game would liven things up immensely.

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