
Problems with the Online Store

Problems with the Online Store

We've received some reports of problems with the Grey Ghost online store involving the Firefox browser. We've tested it the store with Firefox on Mac and PC (it's our browser of choice) and haven't been able to replicate the problems yet....

If you encounter any difficulties navigating or purchasing through the Grey Ghost online store, please post a description of the problems you encountered her in this forum! Or send email to us.


Ann DupuisGrey Ghost Press, Inc.

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Re: Problems with the Online Store

Yes, I'm having problems ordering from the online store as well. I'm using Mac OSX Version 10.5.8 and I've tried both Firefox and Safari and for some reason I'm completely unable to add anything to my cart on either browser.

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Re: Problems with the Online Store

Sbznpoe wrote:

Yes, I'm having problems ordering from the online store as well. I'm using Mac OSX Version 10.5.8 and I've tried both Firefox and Safari and for some reason I'm completely unable to add anything to my cart on either browser.

I use Mac OS 10.5.8 myself and have no problems adding things to my cart either with FireFox or Safari....

Things to make sure of:

That you're logged in as a registered member


that you have JavaScript enabled.

I'll send you an IM and see if we can troubleshoot this together....

Ann DupuisGrey Ghost Press, Inc.

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Re: Problems with the Online Store

Thanks for all your help. The order went through perfectly now. current/smile

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Re: Problems with the Online Store

For anyone who has problems with the shopping cart in the online store -- especially with adding items to it! -- please try the following:

You need to be logged in as a member of

Make sure you have JavaScript enabled.

You'll need cookies enabled as well.

If all of the above are as they should be, try logging out, quitting your browser, and logging in again.

We think the problem is related to duplicate "sessions" we've seen with some users when they're logged in, we're tracking down the underlying problem and hope to have it fixed soon.

Please let us know if you encounter any glitches on the site, including trying to purchase things through the store.

Thank you! :-)

Ann DupuisGrey Ghost Press, Inc.

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