
Connection, Log-in, and other problems

Connection, Log-in, and other problems

We're monitoring for the usual problems that often occur with a brand-new website undergoing a flood of visits and registrations.... :-)

If you have any problems connecting to the website, registering as a member, logging in, or changing your profile, please report it to the moderators or post a message here with as much detail as you can provide.

Thank you for your patience!

Ann DupuisGrey Ghost Press, Inc.

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Re: Connection, Log-in, and other problems

We think we've discovered the problem that was resulting in "session expired or cookies not enabled" error messages when saving user profiles.... Please let us know if you encounter any errors like this!

Thank you!

Ann DupuisGrey Ghost Press, Inc.

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Re: Connection, Log-in, and other problems

We're aware of the white-text-on-white-background problem when "previewing" your forum posts, it's now on the to-do list.

Ann DupuisGrey Ghost Press, Inc.

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Re: Connection, Log-in, and other problems

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Re: Connection, Log-in, and other problems

It appears that text included in the bullet points tag shows up black and cannot be seen against the black background.  You can see the text if you highlight with your mouse or quote it.  Please see post #9 and #10 in the 'Some Thoughts about PBF' in the 'Play-By-Post Discussions' sub-forum.

No Elves!  Talislanta is now free!  Please visit and explore this wonderful setting and game system.

\\\"The Dude abides.\\\"

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Re: Connection, Log-in, and other problems

Post titles are currently an extremely dark grey on black. They need to be at least #C5C5C5

The [-] die.

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Re: Connection, Log-in, and other problems

Drohem wrote:

It appears that text included in the bullet points tag shows up black and cannot be seen against the black background.  You can see the text if you highlight with your mouse or quote it.  Please see post #9 and #10 in the 'Some Thoughts about PBF' in the 'Play-By-Post Discussions' sub-forum.

This is now fixed.

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Re: Connection, Log-in, and other problems

Knaight wrote:

Post titles are currently an extremely dark grey on black. They need to be at least #C5C5C5

This is now fixed.

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