
Grey Ghost in PDF?

Grey Ghost in PDF?

I'm fortunate to have most iterations of Fudge, but the one book I return to most frequently for ideas is the 10th Anniversary edition. I also use an iPad and have most RPG products on that too. I find physical products great to 'read', but PDFs offer search and easy printing for reference.

So, my question is this: Are Grey Ghost going to release products in PDF any time soon?  current/cool


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Re: Grey Ghost in PDF?

Robbie wrote:

So, my question is this: Are Grey Ghost going to release products in PDF any time soon?  cool

We're planning to release most of our books in .pdf format. Unfortunately it's the "any time soon" that's the sticky bit.

Because I wasn't thinking in terms of online .pdf sales when designing the Grey Ghost books, now that we're looking at turning them into .pdf formats we've run into some problems. There are technical difficulties involving outdated or incompatible software, font issues, missing graphics (you would not BELIEVE the number of SyQuest cartridges we have lying around that we may have to look through to be able to find the older book files), and so on.

But now that the new site has launched, we're turning our attention to such things as cleaning out the office and going through old disks, computer hard drives, and the like to find everything we need to begin the process of turning our old book files into readable .pdfs.

The good news is that "Another Fine Mess" is already done and will be available shortly.

The Fudge 10th Anniversary Edition is our top priority but is proving difficult for a variety of reasons.

Ann DupuisGrey Ghost Press, Inc.

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Re: Grey Ghost in PDF?

This answers my question, thanks Ann. I fully understand and sympathise with the 'legacy' issues you are having and wish you well with it all!

Looking forward to seeing Another Fine Mess in PDF. And if you ever find time for full-blown Animal Companions system ... I'd certainly be up for that too!  current/wink


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Re: Grey Ghost in PDF?

Robbie wrote:

Looking forward to seeing Another Fine Mess in PDF. And if you ever find time for full-blown Animal Companions system ... I'd certainly be up for that too!  wink

Keep up the good effort at trying to get Ann to write THE book she was born to write - Animal Companions. I've been at her for only a couple decades now to finally write it. Maybe with helpful peer pressure we can finally get her to do it!

On another note, I actually authored the sequel to Another Fine Mess - creatively entitled "Yet Another Fine Mess", and while it has only been test played a couple times, the player seemed to have a great time.  I even have about a third of the third adventure in the series drafted, so you never know what may pop up on this new web site in the future.

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Re: Grey Ghost in PDF?

I'd love to see more animal-related material, but unfortunately my players wouldn't go for it, beyond maybe a one-off.  current/sad


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Re: Grey Ghost in PDF?

This is VERY good news. As a nomadic, sorta homeless couple, my wife and I cannot carry too many "real" books with us. (We have 12,000 lbs of books in storage.) So we carry thousands of ebooks on our laptops, Android, and Palm.

I would LOVE to carry more Fudgy stuff with us! Terra Ignatz, Magical Madly -- these are at the top of my want list, but I'll excitedly buy Amother's Fine Mess.

This is an exciting time to be a Fudgaholic!

*jeep! and God Bless!
--Grandpa Chet
“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” --John Adams

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